Gaudeamus I

04/09/2019 • Utrecht • with Catchpenny Ensemble

On this Wednesday edition of the Gaudeamus Festival I have the honour to collaborate with composer Nikos Kokolakis and the Catchpenny Ensemble. The sand pendulum project ‘Klein Woestijn’ is developed during my residency this August at the De Vrolijkheid in Rijswijk, a cultural association in the asylum seekers centre (AZC). The double pendulum creates a 3 dimensional colourful drawing that combines 2 spiral movements in one. Lit in a special way the methodical structures become visible. The spiral movement reminds of of the evolving journey in life. The project is part of an ongoing research about visualising harmonies, the natural flow of things creating patterns and their hidden (chaotic) structures.

Klein Woestijn is a performance-installation of the multi-media artist Mariska de Groot in collaboration with composer Nikos Kokolakis and Catchpenny Ensemble. It is using a big double pendulum, making 3 dimensional Lissajous drawings with sand of different colors in a growing transitory sculpture. Light play with spots and DIA projectors transforms the little sandy hills into a detailed curvy landscape. The ensemble, scattered in the space, is responding to the movement of the pendulum through harmonic, and gestural materials in an open score.

This project was developed with the help of Stichting de Vrolijkheid and residents of azc Rijswijk in the summer of 2019. Stichting de Vrolijkheid is a multicultural, not-profit network of artists, play writers, actors, musicians and volunteers who invest in children and teenagers in asylum-seekers centers.

Vrolijkheid organises creative activities on a regular basis in 28 asylum-seekers centers in the Netherlands.

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